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grobag - baby sleep bags

Once upon a time there were two ordinary people called Rob and Ouvrielle and we decided it was time to start a family, as you do. It was an exciting 9 months, but like all new parents-to-be, we didn’t have a clue what was coming. I mean, how hard can parenting be?

As it turns out, quite hard actually. Our son Sam was born a month early in December 1996 - the poor chap couldn’t wait to meet his parents. He was all fit and healthy but there was a snag... he just would not sleep at night! The trouble was we put him to bed under his blankets, only to return with the covers kicked off and Sam, cold, screaming his head off. We thought to ourselves, there has to be a better way?

This is where our Austrian sister-in-law came in to the picture. She said that in Austria and many other European countries, most babies slept in special baby sleeping bags, not under blankets and sheets. We tracked down a baby sleeping bag, bought one, nicknamed it a ‘Grobag’, put Sam in one and he slept 12 hours a night.

After our second child (Lucy) was born, we decided it was time to start up a company producing Grobags - we had to spread the word to other sleep-deprived parents.

So that’s how it all began, in some spare offices we found in Kingsbridge in September 2000. We really had no idea that the Grobags would take off like they have. We knew that in Holland, over 80% of babies slept in baby sleeping bags, so we gave ourselves a target of 10 years to get the UK from zero to 80% baby sleeping bag usage. As it turned out, we managed that in 5 years and the UK now has a higher percentage usage figure than Holland!

We are proud to say that we have changed the way that babies are put to bed in the UK.

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