Quick Tips!
- Use washables or biodegradables (You could even make your own washable wipes)
- Cut down on bath times! Unless baby is covered in food or spit up – they don't need a daily bath. Two or three baths a week will do the trick and greatly reduce the water use in your household.
- Have a stock of reusable shopping bags
- Make your own baby food
- Introduce baby led weaning (which means they eat what you eat – saves a lot of energy making separate food, and reduces food waste!)
- Use hand-me-downs from friends
- If you're buying furniture for the nursery, try and source sustainable pieces
- Get your baby/children's books from the library
- Use natural bath and skin products
- Buy organic cotton where possible – non-organic crops are heavily sprayed with chemicals
- Use public transport where possible
- Choose wooden toys made from sustainable sources
- Spend more time outside – this energy efficient pastime will reduce electricity consumption (and will likely improve your physical, and mental, health)!